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We would love to play with a Thingsee one!

We would love to play with a Thingsee one!

This is going on Kickstarter right now: a smart developer device - packed with a full sensor stack – that practically anyone can use!
Gamification meets tourism

Gamification meets tourism

How to gamify a tourist attraction. We attended a seminar about combining gamification elements with travel business in Vuokatti this Wednesday, and it was interesting to meet and hear about the thoughts coming from travel industry.
Gamified time management

Gamified time management

Wimble is a gamified time management –application project in IndieGogo at the moment. Basically the idea is to motivate people to use their time more efficiently by providing them new, fun tools.
Organizing playful events

Organizing playful events

How to organize a playful event - tips and examples
Playful Language learning

Playful Language learning

Since gamification has proved to be an efficient tool for enhancing learning results, it has been widely used in language learning applications. There are many levels of use of gamification, here’s a few examples:
Health, tech and games

Health, tech and games

The new wave of wearables brings along new possibilities for gamifying the stepping stones of healthy life.